Beware! Fraudsters can cheat you in the name of Coronavirus

Beware! Fraudsters can cheat you in the name of Coronavirus

Beware! Fraudsters can cheat you in the name of Coronavirus

Coronavirus has created panic among the people as it spreads across the world. As of March 9th, 111,262 people had been infected by coronavirus across 109 countries. When it comes to India, there are 43 confirmed cases of coronavirus. These numbers are rising each day. Coronavirus belong to a family of viruses which are known to spread diseases like cold to more severe diseases like MERS and SARS. These viruses were transmitted between animals and people.

As the number of coronavirus cases is rising; people all around the World are in panic. As of today, 3,882 people have lost lives to the coronavirus; while the number of recovered cases is 62,661.

As the coronavirus has become a hot topic all over the World, fraudsters are using this to cheat innocent people and make quick money. We are sure that not many people would have thought that they would be losing money to the coronavirus.

As the number of people who want to know about this virus is increasing, the information available online is also on the rise. A lot of people share news, articles, videos and other things related to coronavirus to create awareness among people. However, fraudsters are using this technique to loot people.

With the intention of stealing money, fraudsters send links and files which state they have tips to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This is just a trick to make you click on the links.

The fraudsters either use UPI transfer approval links or hacking codes to loot your money. They somehow entice you to click on UPI transfer approval links and enter the PIN. In case people make the mistake of entering the PIN, fraudsters will wipe out money from their bank accounts.

A few weeks back a person had received a link which stated "Coronavirus cure found! Click to find out". Believing this to be genuine he clicked on it. This was a money transfer approval link. As soon as he clicked on it Rs 25,000 was wiped out from his account.

Hackers are sending hacking codes to people by using the name of the coronavirus. Through this technique, fraudsters can steal personal information and wipe out money from bank accounts.

As per the report, since January 2020, more than 4,000 coronavirus-related domains have been registered globally. Out of these websites, 3% were found to be malicious and an additional 5% are suspicious. So, it is really important to be careful while clicking on any links related to the coronavirus. 

Not happy with a product or service? Just visit Save From Frauds complaint portal Savefromfraudsand post your issue. We’ll get in touch with the concerned entity and help you with the resolution. With an aim to spread awareness on fraudulent activities, we publish articles and videos on a regular basis. 

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