Pese invest karne ke nam par pese mangta hai phir dene ke nam par deta bhi nahi hai
Read More →They are telling make money profit from aviator game and return, but not returning amounts
Read More →From my experience, I strongly recommend that anyone looking to migrate to their chosen destination steer clear of this agency. This will not only protect your mental health but also save you time and money..
Read More →Person did financial Cybercrime fraud with me
Read More →They show 4000rs any product offer where u will pay 1000rs first than they will order from Amazon after ordering he will ask u to pay to 7000rs for OTP and pin .i paid 7000rs and after that he said to pay me 10000 for to hide mac address and all tools in the of carding that this and service charges 10000rs he said to pay ,i paid it he was saying this is last last and all and he asked me to pay extra 11000 rs as his senior said asked it seems because he used american express card , after some time .to pay 10000 again to block the ip address extra and all even more
Read More →Be careful of iqjobsgulf those fake scammers. They have asked me for money 150 USD initial for finding the job. I trusted them and request to find the job. Next day, they found an university price sultan and conducted an interview, the interviewer asked questions and it was looking like a real call. You will not realize that its a fake call and everting looks real. Then they replied its fine we selected you and they asked $350 more money. So, for fast-forwarding my applications and interviews. And they pretended it's refundable and then they disappeared. They are professional liars they staged an interview pretending to be from Prince Sultan! (I have contacted Prince Sultan to warn them. They said they reported them to internet police) Be wary of their fake emails and names. Check on the internet first. Never pay money to any recruiters, if they ask you as a job seeker for money, RUN and report them and expose their games on all platforms.
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